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"What if I fail?", keeping you stuck?


When clients first come to me, they talk about feeling paralyzed—afraid to start their own business or go after that new job or promotion because of one recurring thought: 


“What if I fail?”


This fear has been running on repeat, sometimes for months or even years, holding them back from pursuing their passions.  Essentially, it's been eating away at their soul. 


Does this sound like you? Lying awake at night, dreaming of the possibilities… but stopping short when you imagine the worst-case scenario?


Do you want a way to stop catastrophizing? 


Here's a simple exercise. Ask yourself these simple yet powerful questions:

  1. What's the worst that could happen?

  2. What's the best that could happen?

  3. What's most likely to happen?

  4. What's worth doing, even if I fail?

The answers often look like this:

Worst: I might fail—but I can always return to my comfort zone.

Best: I could succeed beyond my wildest dreams and live a happier more fulfilling life.

Most likely: I'll face challenges, learn, grow, figure it out and flourish.

What's worth doing?  Anything in alignment with my purpose, priorities & passions.


I've never had a client not try the new thing.  And they never regret trying. 


They ultimately do more meaningful work, live authentically, find purpose and fulfillment.  


The only regret they express? Not starting sooner.


You can live a regret-free life. Don't wait for the perfect moment—it doesn't exist. Start now.


 The best way to overcome fear is to take action.  It will feed your soul! 


A simple action you can take is booking a free clarity call with me.  You'll walk away with a vision of what you truly want and how to get there.  Let's do this, together!!  Book here:



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